There’s lots of exciting things happening at URSTRONG! We love sharing our key milestones as we work towards our goal of bringing friendship skills to children from all corners of the world.

QuickTip: Be Kind Online

Dana’s Top Tips for Keeping Friendships Healthy Online! Navigating friendships face-to-face is tricky enough, but the online world takes it to a whole different level. Misunderstandings and hurt feelings are…

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High-Conflict Friendships

Tips on Supporting Children in Fiery Friendships   One of our favourite tools for talking to kids about how they’re feeling in their friendships is The Friend-o-Meter. Although it’s normal…

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Friendship is…RESPECT!

At URSTRONG, we look at social-emotional wellbeing through the lens of friendship. This month, we’re exploring the importance of RESPECT in friendships, which we define as: “Honouring and accepting your…

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Friendship is…GRATITUDE!

At URSTRONG, we look at social-emotional wellbeing through the lens of friendship. This month, we’re shining the light on the power of GRATITUDE in friendships. Experiencing gratitude, a deep sense…

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Friendship is…TRUST!

At URSTRONG, we look at social-emotional wellbeing through the lens of friendship. This month, we’re shining the light on the importance of TRUST in friendships which is featured in our…

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Language of Friendship: Introduction

Explicitly teaching children how to develop healthy friendships + manage conflict in a positive way is at the heart of helping them flourish. These important social skills are the key…

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When to Step-IN & When to Step-BACK

Helicopter Parenting. Bubble-wrapped kids. We know we shouldn’t solve all our children’s problems for them. But, when should we get involved? We all want to do the right thing for…

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Friendship Journal for Kids has Arrived!

 Just Released: The Friendship Journal for Kids   One of the most common things we’ve heard from parents over the years is: “I knew I was giving my child bad…

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Friendship is…DIVERSITY!

At URSTRONG, we look at social-emotional wellbeing through the lens of friendship. This month, we’re shining the light in on DIVERSITY – a celebration of all the wonderful differences between…

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Friendship Groups, Cliques, & Fitting-In

“What if there’s someone in my group that isn’t very nice to me?” “Can I be in more than one group?” “What if my group of friends don’t get along…

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Meet Tyson, Director of URSTRONG Schools!

Head of Wellbeing. Teacher. Guitar Enthusiast. We are so excited to announce that Tyson Greenwood is our new Director of URSTRONG Schools! Tyson brings extensive insight, expertise, and experience to our team….

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Classroom Posters, Playground Signs, and Teaching Tools  We are so excited to announce the launch of our URSTRONG Shop with visual tools to bring our whole-school friendship strategy to life!…

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