When it comes to choosing either Friendology Student Handbooks or Friendship Journals, it’s important to think about which one is the best fit for your school. While both resources work really well to supplement the lessons taught in Friendology, there are some key differences between them.

Friendology Student Handbooks are the ultimate companion for our Friendology friendship skills curriculum. They include week-by-week friendship lessons that follow along with the 8 sessions of Friendology. Additionally, there are unique handbooks for each grade/year so that students would never see the same handbook twice. Think of the Handbooks like a workbook…your students would pull these out every time they learn Friendology. They are the perfect way to capture students’ learning throughout the school year!

The Friendology Student Handbooks can be ordered anytime throughout the school year and can be purchased in smaller orders (minimum of 50).



Friendship Journals are school diaries (daily planners) that combine executive functioning with social-emotional learning. Along with a weekly calendar to record events, homework, & reading minutes, each month features a wellbeing theme through the lens of friendship. Friendship Journals are prepared by stage (e.g. Year 1&2, Year 3&4, and Year 5&6), but just like the Handbooks, a student would never see the same one twice, as we publish different versions each year. With Friendship Journals, you would likely pull these out at the end of the school day to write down any homework items, things to remember, and then cap the day off with one of the fun, friendship-themed activities that bring the wellbeing theme to life! The Friendship Journal also has a fun tool called a “Friendship Ninja Tracker” that challenges students to test out different friendship skills and assess how they impacted their friendships after two weeks.

Because the Friendship Journal is a school diary, orders must be placed in advance of the start of the school year and are distributed in time for the first day. Schools can add in their branding and customise up to 10 pages.

Still have questions? Drop an email to info@urstrong.com and we’ll get you sorted!