URSTRONG Survey Questions V2


URSTRONG School Engagement Survey

Part 1: URSTRONG School features

Hi there!

Can you spare 5-10 minutes to help us improve URSTRONG? We'd love to hear your feedback on your favourite features, areas for improvement, and any resources you're missing.

A heads up: Your specific responses are confidential


Part 2: Friendology & URSTRONG

Now, we’re going to ask you to rate the URSTRONG and Friendology curriculum, based on a scale of 0 -5

(0 being the lowest, 5 being the best)

Part 2: Friendology & URSTRONG

Now, we’re going to ask you to rate the URSTRONG and Friendology curriculum, based on a scale of 0 -5

(0 being the lowest, 5 being the best)

Part 3: Client Information

Thanks so much!

We appreciate your time. We’ll be in touch soon.

Bonus: Part 4: Client Habits and Preferences

That’s amazing! We’ll be in touch to discuss.

Wow! A big thank you for spending that extra time with us. That’s all for now. We’ll be in touch soon.