During the month of September, our URSTRONG Schools are teaching students about FORGIVENESS. Students are learning how to put out their Friendship Fires® and move on to Forgive & Forget on the Friend-o-Cycle. And, while we know we might not always completely forget what happened, it’s about letting go and moving forward in the friendship. (We have a beautiful hot air balloon activity for the classroom!)

In Friendology, students learn about positive and negative reactions when Talking-it-Out with a friend. While a positive reaction doesn’t always have to be an apology, there are definitely times that a genuine apology is necessary. Students practise the art of an apology and learn a simple template for saying sorry to a friend.

At home, parents are key in helping kids learn this important life skill… One of the best ways for children & teens to learn how to give a genuine apology is through role-modeling. Students who have been on the receiving end and have been apologized to in an authentic way, especially by a parent, are better at apologizing themselves. 👍

So, if you are a parent and have never apologized to your child, it’s time. This will not only improve their relationship with you, but with their friends (and in all their future relationships) too! 💫

P.S. Here’s an activity that parents can do to talk to their child about what forgiveness really means! Be sure to activate your FREE parent membership to view all the resources available to URSTRONG Families!