URSTRONG’s Day of Friendship includes a variety of student workshops where students will learn the 4 Friendship Facts, qualities of a great friend, and how to use the Friend-o-meter to assess healthy versus unhealthy friendships. We will also discuss the importance of standing up for yourself and how to put out Friendship Fires® through an open, honest conversation. These workshops include a handout with an overview of the key concepts to share with parents.
Fuzzies and Friends (Years 1 & 2)
Through fun role-play with teddy bears, children learn the basics of friendship including the 4 Friendship Facts, qualities of a feel-good friendship, and how to use the Friend-o-meter to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships. We also practice, step-by-step, how to put out Friendship Fires™ by putting a voice to our feelings.
Heart of Friendship (Years 3 & 4)
Through fun role-play with teddy bears, children learn the basics of friendship including the 4 Friendship Facts, qualities of a feel-good friendship, and how to use the Friend-o-meter to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy friendships. We also practice, step-by-step, how to put out Friendship Fires™ by putting a voice to our feelings and how to stand up to Mean-on-Purpose behavior using a Quick Comeback.
Friendship Fires (Years 5 & 6)
In this workshop, students learn what’s normal in a friendship, the importance of trust & respect, and how to use the Friend- o-meter to assess healthy versus unhealthy friendships. They learn the importance of standing up for themselves, how to put out those common Friendship Fires™, and how to deal with Mean-on-Purpose behavior using a Quick Comeback. We also discuss their digital world and some tips for keeping friendships healthy online.